Privacy Policy

Personal Security

Nothing matters more to us than your privacy. DNT Optics and its subsidiaries take pride in satisfying our customers and we cannot stress more on how important it is to keep all information private and secure at all times. When you provide us with your names, email address, phone number, address and credit card information, you are placing trust in us and we will make sure these won’t get leaked at all costs. You can be assured that we will NOT sell or share any of your information that personally identifies you to ANY third parties.

All information we collect serves one purpose and one purpose only-how to service you better! To personalize your experience with DNT Optics , we may use these collected information to recommend products that would suit you the best, to quickly access your transactions, to send out promotional emails and to provide better customer service after your order.

Various security measures are set in place to ensure the safety of your personal information. All of these information are contained behind highly secured networks and can only be accessed by a very limited number of persons who could use these to provide better service.

Like many websites, we do use cookies to enhance your purchasing experiences and to better serve you. More importantly, we want to make sure you get credits for any referral links you share with others. You may anonymously visit our site at your own discretion.